I thought that making a vision board would be not only fun, but it would helpful to visually see my goals for the future. The first step of creating a vision board is to identify ones biggest desires in life. It seems like a really easy thing to do because we all want something, but narrowing it down can be difficult. It forces us to recognize how badly we want certain things and what we want our future to look like. This can also be referred to the power of choice. Many people believe that there is power in making decisions and the universe receives the message. For my vision board I included the aspects of my life that I want to improve, such as relationships, finances, career, home, travel and growth. I want to improve relationships with my friends and family, make more money, work towards getting my degree, travel, and grow both physically and mentally.
I've seen vision boards that were made from magazine clippings, some with printed out pictures and even online vision boards. I decided that I was going to do it online so I could show you all my finished product, and it seemed a lot easier than cutting up a bunch of magazines. Maybe i'll save that one for another day. Finding pictures for my vision board was a little harder than I thought. It was hard to find pictures that truly represented the certain aspects of my life that I wanted to improve. Luckily, Pinterest has a seemingly endless amount of cute pictures so I found most of them there. My favorite photo on my vision board includes a text that says, "Everything that you need, your courage, your strength, your compassion and love: everything you need is already within you." I really like that quote because it's a reminder to have confidence and believe and yourself. I also included a picture of a Samoyed, the cutest dog breed you'll ever see, because who wouldn't want one of those!
The vision board that I made was pretty basic, mostly because I didn't know where to find the pictures. I like the look of vision boards that use magazine clippings because it looks more original, so I plan on making another one soon. That way, I could hang it up in my room and look at it everyday. You want to make sure that your vision board is somewhere you can see it everyday, according to the power of visualization. Many people believe that visualization is as powerful as performing the act itself. In this way, if you visualize yourself attaining your deepest desires, then you will put it into the universe. Being able to train our minds and body to manifest ones desires is up to interpretation, there isn't real proof that this works. However, creating a vision board is extremely helpful with determining goals for the future, and reminding yourself to stay on track with future plans. I highly recommend making a vision board for the people who want to organize their futures. Its beneficial to visually see what you want for your future because it keeps you motivated to work towards your goals.
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